Many badminton players came to the sport not by choice, but due to recommendation by Friends . After playing a few times some players discover the need for an effective training method to help them progress, hoping to obtain the ability to play various shots and use different tactics on court to make playing the game more exciting and fun. How then can we play good shot after good shot? How do we start to train? Do we really need a coach? Do we need to do weight training? Is self-learning by watching film of others play effective?

Beginners to badminton will be trained to cover basic fundamentals of badminton including techniques and footwork.

Focus is on

  • the correct grip
  • the correct strokes
  • footwork
  • fitness
  • Progress

Training Program:
An extensive program is conducted by qualified coaches in the Academy. These programs are constantly reviewed and modified in accordance to the progression of the members.

Some useful tips:

  • Avoid Expensive equipment
  • Avoid Tricky shots
  • Avoid Fancy Style